Educating Your Staff On Best Mail and Postage Practices and Processes

Despite the multitude of ways that you can proactively work to reduce your postage bill, the single method that our customers tell us can help to reduce their postage bill is staff education and training both in the practice of sending mail for each employee or failing that, establishing a sound business mail process can establish redundancies.

Staff education such as sending each staff member that sends outgoing mail our ultimate guide on saving money on postage will have the effect of at least raising awareness of how their actions impact on the size of you company’s postage bill.

However, facing reality, as more important priorities become front of mind many times this knowledge goes out the window and employees tend to revert back to the “whatever is quickest and easiest” mindset in the heat of the moment when it comes to sending items out in the mail. The side effect of this is that the “quickest and easiest” is usually the most expensive.



So how are businesses tackling this issue? Simply put, they are establishing what we have dubbed a mail “gatekeeper” – a person within their organisation that other staff members give their mail items and are responsible for asking the right questions to ensure that they understand the requirements of each item such as speed of delivery and choose the method of sending that not only meets these requirements but also in the most cost effective manner for the business.

Using this method of staff mail education, usually is met with the least resistance within organisations as people can as we all know be resistant to change and doing it this way only requires a few people to change their mindset rather than every member of the organisation. However where most businesses are falling down is they are operating under the assumption that “gatekeeper” administrative staff already possess the knowledge and know-how to make informed decisions on the best and most cost effective method to send mail.

This was one of the primary motivators for us to create “The ultimate guide to saving money on your postage” which is available for download on our website and we strive to keep this updated as we hear of new methods and strategies from our customers.

So there you have it, invest a little time in educating your staff that handle the mail and you will see a leveraged improvement in the size of your postage bill.

If you have any mail related questions, please don’t hesitate to call us on 1300 624 562 or click here to contact us.



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