Many of our businesses that we speak to in relation to their mailing requirements tell us that one of their biggest pains is dealing with the Post Office when something goes wrong.
If an important item goes missing and you need answers to its whereabouts right now, your only option is to somehow navigate through an awkward automated phone system to try to speak to someone who may or may not be able to help you.
All you really need is to speak to a human being at the relevant Post Office so they can tell you where your important item is and help you to get your hands on it ASAP.
Unfortunately, the direct contact details for individual post offices are kept under lock and key in an attempt to prevent them from handling hundreds of incoming calls and not being able to complete their own daily tasks.
This conundrum is faced by many businesses and there is no real simple answer to solve it.
Fortunately for our customers, Everyday Mail has developed relationships with all of the Post Offices that we service and our customers can simply call up their dedicated driver that services their business every day and have our driver use our relationships with the Post Office to try to help resolve the issue.
This has proven to be a valuable asset for many of our customers as mail is generally a strange phenomenon in businesses, when everything is going well no-one seems to think about it but when something goes wrong it tends to be like WW3.
All of these services are provided to Everyday Mail customers at no additional charge so what are you waiting for? Give Everyday Mail a call today on 1300 624 562.