We have discovered that many businesses are reliant on one or at best two staff members to collect their mail from their PO Box and lodge their outgoing mail at the Post Office each day.
Now whilst there are a lot of other associated issues with this arrangement which we have discussed elsewhere, one thing that businesses fail to account for is sick days and holidays for these critical staff members.
Too often mail goes uncollected as there is generally only one key to access the company PO Box and if the staff member is collecting the mail on their way to work each morning they often take the key home with them and therefore when they are sick the mail goes uncollected for sometimes days at a time.
There are flow on effects to be considered here such as the impact on your businesses cash flow if cheques are aggregating in your PO Box unbanked or if staff members are waiting for an urgent delivery of something like a contract.
Additionally, if your business has not considered redundancies and other staff members have become accustomed to the mail “magically” getting lodged at the post office each afternoon there have been many situations that we have uncovered whereby mail goes for days without being lodged. Think about it, when you put your letter in your companies designated areas for mail in your mind the letter is as good as in the post, well as you have now discovered this is not always the case.
Sure, this type of situation does not occur every day but if incoming and outgoing mail can be an important thing for your business then why take the risk?
At the end of the day, mail is a funny thing in a business – when everything is running smoothly no one even thinks about it, but when something goes wrong it is generally world war 3!
Everyday Mail is always available to help you with any mail related issues and should you choose to engage our services you can rest assured that you mail will run like clockwork day in and day out. So if you would like to discuss your specific circumstances then click here to contact us or feel free to call us on 1300 624 562.