So your business has decided to make the plunge and arrange to lease a PO Box at your local post office or if you in the CBD at the GPO.
If you are still unsure if your business needs a PO Box, then you check out this post which deals with this issue.
The next question is how much does is this PO Box going to cost you? Well as you might imagine, the cost varies based on your requirements but to give you a rough idea, at the time of writing it ranges from around $120 to $1000 per year.
The differences in costs are associated to the following factors:
- If your business requires a specific box number or if you are happy to take the next number that is available, much like license plates on your car
- The size of the box that you require which is based on the amount of incoming mail that you are expecting to receive, just be logical with these, when you visit the Post Office the smallest boxes are actually pretty small and you can barely fit more than a few letters in them
- When you actually pay your renewal fee – the Post Office has an “early bird special” of sorts which at the time of writing offers a small discount should you pay your renewal by the 31st March each year.
Please be mindful that there is an establishment fee for new customers of just under $30 which you will need to factor into the equation when making your decision.
As you will soon realise after opening up your PO Box, either yourself or a staff member will need to visit the post office each morning to collect the mail – most often this is done on the way to work. This can quickly become a pain especially when things get busy or when someone is off sick a visit to the Post Office gets put on the back burner and important mail such as cheques are delayed.
Everyday Mail provides a cost efficient mail courier service to ensure that your mail is delivered to your business on-time every day, so why not contact us today on 1300 624 562 to see how we can help your business to save time and money.