The world of sending postage is set to take a big turn in 2015 and Everyday Mail is here to help and provide free advice.
It has been widely reported in the media that the Post Office is facing rising losses in the letter section of its business and these losses can no longer be offset by the revenues it receives from the growth in their parcel business which has been raising steadily due to growth in the online shopping sphere.
So what does this mean for the consumer?
Put simply it means that in order to stay afloat, the Post Office is going to need to raise its base price it charges for someone sending a standard letter which will have a flow on effect through all of its products in its range. The price for a standard letter is likely to rise to at least $1.00 by the end of the year which is a far cry from the $0.50 only a few years ago.
So does this set the stage for the end of the mail industry as we know it and allow for email to finally take over? Well – sort of in our opinion. Many businesses if they have not already are at least considering migrating their invoicing and billing systems across to an electronic format. However, the perception is that for marketing purposes, the electronic format still does not have as high of a response rate as the printed letter and envelope.
Despite the higher response rate in direct mail, businesses are going to have to take much greater heed in the cost of their promotions and their spend on mail generally.
To help companies as they begin to become more cost conscious, some of the auxiliary postal spends such as the cost of mail courier services will begin to be scrutinised more closely. Many companies have been using the same mail courier service for many years and only when they have been approached by a company such as Everyday Mail, they have realised that they are paying well over the odds for this type of service.
So, one way that your business can prepare to at least offset some of the impending price increases at the hands of the Post Office is to like many other companies that we have been able to help, do a review on this service. Many companies have been able to reduce their costs by as much as 20-40% as well as reducing their actual postal spend as we have been able to guide them as to the best way to prepare their mail an access Post Office discounts using our many years of experience in the industry.
So what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us today to arrange a no obligation review – after all what have you got to lose?