Mail Collection Service – Fixed Monthly Or Daily Rate?

There are several different pricing models available to consider when selecting a mail courier service. When Everyday Mail first entered the marketplace many years ago we adopted a daily charge rate for our mail collection and delivery services as it seemed to be the accepted way of doing business in this industry.

However over time and consultation with our customers we discovered that many of them would prefer a fixed monthly rate as our services did not change month in and month out. The reason that our customers preferred to be charged this way was that it made it much simpler for budgeting and accounting as the invoice value did not change month in and month out.



At the end of the day we provide an essential yet simple service to our customer so we went along with this pricing model to help out our customers and simply put – make Everyday Mail a simple business to deal with.

A common question is what happens with regards to public holidays and the festive season?

To make sure things are not only fair but in our customers favour we calculate all of our flat rate pricing based on 20 working days in the month so that way, over the course of the year this works out in the customers favour with some months having up to 22 business days in this month.

In terms of the festive season, we deal with each customer on a case by case base basis as our customers have vastly varying trading hours during this time and always pro rata our charges to make sure that you are not being taken advantage of.

Couple this with our guarantee that our pricing is completely fixed regardless of fuel prices for at least 12 months, why would you want to take up a service that does not charge this way?

If you are using a service already and not being charged a fixed monthly rate then click here to contact us and arrange a no obligation discussion or call us on 1300 624 562 to make your mail courier service simple.



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