How Much Does It Cost To Send A Staff Member To The Post Office?

This is one of the major things that most businesses that we speak to never even consider. They feel that going to the Post Office to collect mail from the PO Box and returning in the afternoon is part of the job description of one of their administrative staff.

It is only after delving deeper that they realise the true cost of the staff member leaving the office to collect lodge the mail and if you are thinking to yourself that it does not cost my business anything then guess again!

Labour Cost

Based on our experience it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour each day for a staff member to visit the post office once you factor in variables such as travel time and post office queues not to mention staff using the time out of the office to carry out personal tasks. Roughly speaking will all things considered including factors such as superannuation this costs the business $30 each day

Opportunity Costs

What is not getting done in your business while your staff are down at the post office? Are the phones going unanswered or more important tasks not being completed? The likely answer based on our experience is a resounding “LOTS” Why are your staff wasting time doing menial tasks instead of focusing on tasks which are more aligned with the company’s mission and goals? We understand that opportunity costs are impossible to quantify so we will leave it up top your imagination as to its true cost.



Staff Morale

It has long been understood that one of the key factors to improving your employee’s morale is to link the work they do as being valuable to the business and aligned with your organisational goals. To add to this improved morale has strong ties to staff retention. So why would businesses send their staff out to do menial tasks such as collecting / lodging mail? Instead you could use the time to focus on developing your staff and improving their productivity. Imagine if you could have a staff member spend an entire hour each day on development? What would that do for your business?

Workers Compensation

It is likely that even if your employee is collecting the mail on the way to work that their entire trip from home is covered by your workers compensation policy as they are not starting their day from the office. This opens up a whole raft of potential claims and with every business conscious about ever rising insurance premiums why take on the extra risk?

Sick Leave / Annual Leave

Most businesses who are sending staff to the post office to collect and lodge their mail have a dedicated staff member who performs the task each day. Have you considered what would happen if that staff member was sick or took unexpected leave? There are only a limited number of keys that your company has to access your PO Box and therefore you are forced to consider rushed redundancy plans. What would happen if you could not get access to incoming cheques or other important documents such as contacts?

So there you have it. Not exactly as simple as you thought right? When you really think about it, it really does not make any sense to be sending a staff member to the post office each day when it is costing your business more than $30 each and every day.

Here at Everyday Mail we have been able to help companies to save this significant amount of money and alleviate the related pains and risks so why not get in touch with us today by clicking here or feel free to call us on 1300 624 562 so that we can discuss your own specific requirements.



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