Recently we had some feedback from customers who were undertaking a review on their mail courier services around the flexibility of our delivery times and we thought this would be a good opportunity to share.
It seems that when customers have been using a mail courier service for a long period of time (a couple of years) that the service is still the same as when it was first put into place and has fell out of sync with the evolving needs of the business – you can read more about this by clicking here.
In addition to this, our feedback from the marketplace is that providers are offering delivery times that suit only their own logistical requirements and not meeting with the customer’s needs.
One example of this is outgoing mail being collected at 2-3pm in the afternoon and when important documents miss this deadline, staff members are required to visit the post office themselves (defeating the purpose of having a mail courier service in the first place) or even worse, the urgent mail is delayed until the next day.
Another example of this is that too meet with a large number or customers per driver by some of the players in the mail courier industry, some customers are having their incoming mail delivered at 6am in the morning. The issue with this is that the mail is being collected from the post office even earlier than this and before the post office has a chance to complete the sorting of the mail and as a result, important documents are missed. You can read more about this and how specifically it effects express post-delivery by clicking here.
Everyday Mail adopts a consultative approach to its discussions with its customer with a focus on delivering a service that is centered around our customers’ requirements – not the other way around.
Should you wish to have a no obligation chat with us regarding your mail collection and delivery service please call us on 1300 624 562.